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St. George’s class trip to Dinant/Belgium
21st - 25th June 2010

“Challenge by choice in an outdoor environment . . .”

The Aim of the Trip
The aim of this class ten trip is designed to show
Keeping myself and my surroundings in order
Confrontation with the basic things in life
Making sure I am staying dry and warm
Eating the best chips in the world
Sleeping rough under the stars
Learning to lead and being led
Preparing my own food
Looking after others
Learning new skills
Testing new limits
Making friends
Fun fun fun


The week programme will included the following elements

High Ropes Adventure The pupils learn how to climb, abseil and move aloft and work together in teams
Wild water descent
on the river Lesse
Tour through the rock ravines in double kayaks will give the pupils an experience of adventure
Commando day Rope work and “knots and lashings”. Highlight: Raft building and a river raft race.
Camp craft Stoves, food and cooking
Cooperation games Solving tasks individually and as a group “leading and being led”

The Trip includes


Villatoile camping-site
Ferme de Pont à Lesse
5500 Dinant, Belgium
Tel: +32 – (0)82 / 222 285


?€/child (at least 15 pupils)
Es handelt sich um eine Reiseleistung nach § 25 UStG.